Monday, October 22, 2012


The rose is so beautiful, so red and so lovely. It has many meaning and been describe to people as love and affection symbolic. I wanna have many roses in my room or I might to plant it soon. The fresh flower could not lasting longer. Otherwise, you can keep it with the withered roses in your room as a sentimental value memory given by someone. Somehow by planting the flower can give you a satisfaction when you take a great care of it. I should learn how to plant it by the way. Coming soon...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Rainy Sunday

Life is like a bar of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. It was incredible moment and finally it was over. I'm happy now. It took many hours, many days, many months, many months and there were countless obstacles along the way,but it's over. (my feeling)

I'm craving of pizza these days. I really like pizza so much. I wanna get some pizza after this. The domino's pizza incredibly tasty and wonderful. Thought that I wanna diet to slim down my body. How long I did not eat pizza?It's been a month. You can call me lady pizza after this.:)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

So today I wanna talk about the energy in our body. As you know, what you are thinking now is what you are creating yourself. Well, what is that? I'm gonna tell you when you are thinking positive all the time at the same time you will create the energy inside yourself. That's mean you have the positive energy and this energy will attract the positive to come towards you. For example, you want to have something you want and you are working hard on that things. So, to manifest that your thinking should be in the positive way like you have faith on what you do and being love what you do. One more, love and happiness is the positive feeling and you should always practice them in your daily life. Let's think positive by now...yippie

Travel Time

I had been in Surabaya, Indonesia in early October. It was really great and exciting moment I have ever had to Indonesia actually it was my first time being in Indonesia. I went to Mount Bromo and I dont wanna miss opportunities to take several pictures there. What a wonderful place and the weather there was really cold and I was freezing. I couldn't stand with the cold and I got a flu. By the way I dont care even as long as I've been there to feel the freshness air at the morning. At about 5am I arrived at the uphills to see the view of Mount Bromo and watched the sunrise in the morning. It was really amazing. Subhanallah..Allah The Creator of the Earth. For sure one day, I will be back again.